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Download your free 7 step guide, “Embody the Breath,” and discover the seat of YOUR VOICE.


Use Your Voice To Heal 


Sound healing through breathwork, vocal toning exercises, and tuning forks.

Your VOICE is the best tuning fork in the world.


Eva M.

You began our session speaking to my need for perfectionism and the belief in being "right" or there being a right way to do things. I am ready to move through this. I have to records a video for a presentation. I'm putting the methods into practice. It's great!

Vocal release is about breathing into my heart to find my center

This technique was born out of a personal healing journey and a lifetime of vocal experience that brought me relief and gave me hope After experiencing a traumatic brain injury I was faced with a heightened sensitivity to sound and energetic stimuli which deeply affected my ability to “push through” each day as a small business owner, mother and active community member. The Soul Lit Resonance technique consists of practices which allowed me to transform this energy and re-engage with my life with renewed purpose. 

Read my story

A Resource for every Voice

Remote Session

Vocal embodiment exercises and harmonic tuning through a convenient high-quality video session.

Quantum entanglement enables us to work effectively wherever you are in the world!

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In-Person Session


Vocal embodiment exercises and harmonic tuning in the comfort of your home or in our Colorado office.

Let us inhabit space together as we work efficiently to enliven the clarity of the voice with ease.

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On tour, online, professional groups, private booking, and community gatherings.

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After just one session the vocal grounding technique changed my relationship to my voice, body and practice. These exercises have become part of my daily work and with each session I discover a deeper connection to and through my voice.

Hannah M.

I have always been told to breathe down as I play the didgeridoo, but I have never been aware of the breath muscles like this before.  It will help me when I give sound baths and tone.

Anonymous from Workshop

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