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“When I breathe my heart, I sing the wind.”

-Erika Kae

The Technique

Soul Lit Resonance is a sound healing technique that brings your inner voice into the world through breath work and vocal exercises.  During session, both in person and remote, I use tuning forks to create a space to heal unresolved tension and reset the nervous system. The technique is designed for you to become aware of how you listen and discover harmony with your inner and outer world.  Sessions can be booked through our booking page.  Just click the link!

Your body is an instrument. I teach practices to keep it in "tune".  This allows you to deeply connect with yourself, bring your truest voice to your relationships and experiences. Practice tuning in to bring forth your intention to nourish the world while you build the life you are meant to lead.

The techniques include exercises to center and ground, to connect with breath, to send vocal tones throughout the body and to activate the ability to focus your awareness of where you are sending your voice. The method starts with breath.  I follow this with a series of vocal pedagogical warm ups and exercises, kept in tune rhythmically with a shamanic drum. I integrate the use of tuning forks on and around the body to recalibrate the inner frequency and release tensions held within the body.  Many clients notice an immediate difference in the clarity and feeling of support simply by employing these initial exercises. The practice brings anatomical awareness of your current vocal habits and moves on to specific supporting exercises to improve technique, all tailored to YOUR unique anatomy.  No two voices are the same so each individual journey through the work is a custom experience, although there is also much benefit in group work with the foundational exercises.

I feel humbled and grateful to bring this work into the world and share it.  Thank you for being a part of the journey this far.  See my full story below.  I look forward to connecting and creating harmony! 

"The voice is the best tuning fork in the world" -Dr John Beaulieu, Biosonics Sound Healer


Hi, I'm Erika Kae

Welcome to Soul Lit Resonance


About Erika

The moments in my life where I feel the most alive and free are when I am singing.  The opportunity to share with others what I have learned is an extension of that feeling.  This technique was initially born out of a personal healing journey. After experiencing a traumatic brain injury I was faced with a heightened sensitivity to sound and energetic stimuli which deeply affected my ability to “push through” each day as a small business owner, mother and active community member. The Soul Lit Resonance technique consists of practices which allowed me to transform this energy and re-engage with my life with renewed purpose.

I have been singing all my life through school, gospel church, in bands, musical theater, and most recently writing an album.  During my college career, I had the opportunity to study with Dr David Wygant, PHD in Speaking Voice.  His guidance and teaching led me to understanding more about the structure of the voice and inspired me to continue training.  While continuing to experience post-concussive symptoms, I returned to some of those foundational techniques   and began to discover how they helped to  alleviate my symptoms  and be able to find a way to thrive in my everyday life. I used these exercises as a starting point to develop the Soul Lit Resonance Technique, honing the methodology with research from renowned neuroscientists, vocalists and healersThis technique was expanded through study with Dr John Beaulieu to add the supportive and therapeutic use of tuning forks.  The combination of voice, drum, and tuning forks has healed and expanded my spirit in powerful ways, and I cannot wait for you to join me in experiencing this magical technique.  

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