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Frequency of Sound Healing

frequency molecules research sound soundhealing Mar 11, 2024
Sound vibrating molecules
This is an open discussion of hypothesis development.  As I aggregate more journals and articles new information continues to inform my knowledge and practice while developing a line of study that very well will create a path to acquiring a PHD.  Some of this is also from experiential encounters between myself and others as I am working in their energetic field.  This is a brief overview of my current work and study.  The articles listed are readings and a continuation of discovery to not be confused with conformational bias.  
Current process and comprehension:
The molecular makeup and neurological firing systems of the human body create bio-magnetic pulses that can be read/viewed with diagnostics like a cardiogram of the heart and an EEG of the brain (1).  These have expressed and measurable pulsations that emanate from the body.  It is my loose theory that our "tensions" have a magnetic pulse that changes the relationship of the bonds within/between our molecules and this shows up within our body.  These "tensions" can occur as, but not limited to nor confirmed, "knots" in our muscular system, structural stress or misalignment, repeated state dependent memory behaviors and psychological habits, and neurological firing patterns that inform the brain's information processing.  When breathing and applying tone to the vocal chambers of the body, the practitioner is emitting frequency within the body and it resonates throughout.  Sound travels omnidirectionally (2) AND silence of sound does not mean it has stopped its travel.  The amplitude of the sound simply gets smaller until finally depleting (3).  So the emitted sound continues to vibrate the molecules in the surrounding area for an undetermined amount of time (something I'd like to measure).  
In a session, I teach how to "send" breath and tone through the body in order to release tension by applying frequency palpation to the affected areas thereby, in theory, sending vibration through the molecular structure.  We "tune" the body so the client can feel what I call being "centered" in their vibrational field. The sessions are intended to teach exercises that can be done by the client in their own out-of-session practice to hone the ability to "tune" themselves with their own voice.  It is meant as a complementary integration to their health and wellness practices.  When we spend more time in our center, as taught with the breathwork and vocal practices in my developing discipline, we will develop the ability to know when we are "out of tune".  It will show up in our breath and speaking voice.  Awareness is the first step to healing.  Many of the vocal techniques to release tension stem from study of vocal pedagogy primarily informed by the work of Patsy Rodenburg (4) and my instructors at university Dr David Wygant, M.B. Krueger, Gene Roberts, and many others.  My life as a vocalist enables my "listening" as much as it informs my ability to guide others to a fully embodied voice.
I work by listening to the frequency in your body as you breath, hum, tone, and speak.  I "hear" dissonant frequency (this being intuitive though I'd love to figure out how it works) and can essentially echolocate "tension" in the body.  Then I guide the client within the vocal and breathing techniques of how to release the tension with breath and tone with their own faculties.  The external application of frequency with the drum and tuning forks arises when I intuitively sense something within the body is "calling" to be attended.  This feeling arises from "hearing" tension which I theorize is because tension has a different, or stretched tonality caused by the vibrational pattern of the molecules affected.  Like when you hear a note that is sharp or flat and when you hear multiple notes that are dissonant with each other, meaning the frequency interference is not harmonic.  The tuning fork sound balancing is learned from Dr John Beulieu in continuing education. (5) There are studies about the biofield (6) (7) existing in and around the body.  One such researcher, Eileen McKusick (8) has then done research and development about how external frequency can apply effect to this responsive system in ways that effect and alter the resonance of that field which can extend beyond the body up to about six feet.  From learning these protocols, I have a framework of applying external frequency with intuitive bias based on my "tuning in" to the client and my own felt sense of centered practice.
Hypothesis:  When sound is applied therapeutically and even meditationally, the molecules respond by reorganizing to "harmonize" with the application.  
Implications:  This work could use self perpetuated and applied frequency/sound waves to release tension and dis-ease in the body, identify affliction and/or ailment within the systems of the body, repattern neurological firing, regain the use of the voice after neurological distress, and align ourselves with our environment to bring interactional harmony.
Much more research and development is needed to identify the factors within the variables that truly have cause and effect within the work.  I am excited to continue and even this short writing has proved to me that I need to write more.  Thank you for reading.

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