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What is a session?

breathwork shamanic drum soundhealing tuning tuningforks voice Mar 08, 2024
Tuning Fork sound healing

Are you ok with allowing new possibilities?  Can you be presently surprised at your own creativity?  Allow for things to come together in a new configuration?


When we really tune in to our breath, we can become aware of the parts of us that need attention.  The foundation of the voice is breath.  With a solid foundation, the voice can be activated and used as a tuning fork for the whole self.  Together we learn to breathe, tone, and speak with confidence from a centered ballast of support free of unnecessary tension.  In this way, we can express ourselves with heartfelt intention and communicate effectively.  


At the beginning, we “arrive” in space together (in person or remote, quantum entanglement allows either to be equally beneficial) in a few natural breaths as I tune in to you and check in.  We start with centering the breath to the heart beat drum pattern that I play while sending you through a guided meditation called “Root, Release, Breathe” intended to encourage grounding and releasing tension with a full body check in.   Tension anywhere in the body and mind will resound in the breath and you are led to send breath into each area.  As we complete the breath check in, you will learn to breathe in a circuit from foot to crown.  Then we begin to open the voice with humming, toning, and then finally speaking through various pedagogical exercises designed to free the voice.  You discover more ease and grace with each passing session.  


There is an integrative sound healing component that is unique to this technique.  Your body creates and exists as a bio-magnetic field of vibrating molecules.  Those vibrations have a frequency.  When you are breathing and toning, I am intuitively listening.  A tension in the body will produce a tone/frequency that is out of harmony, dissonant, or otherwise communicating an interference.  I “hear” that tonality and then help begin to resolve the tension by guiding your breath and voice enabling you to use the techniques at home.  You will also receive body work with tuning fork protocols that support the re-balancing of the vibrational field.


I am a technician bringing tools to serve.  You arrive, in person or remote, willing to receive and be open to the possibility of a new perspective that can resonate throughout your life and be heard in the way you communicate.  In this work together you will:

  • Develop a deep sense of center (once you know what it feels like, and the more you practice knowing, the quicker you will identify when you are not “in tune”)
  • Create a ballast of breath to always speak from this supported center
  • Learn to H.U.M. calm into your neurological center
  • Tone and activate the energy centers of the body
  • Sustain breath for longer intervals
  • Identify vocal habits and retrain the pattern
  • Learn Vocal focus and be able to “place” the voice with ease
  • Broaden awareness of the vocal anatomy (chambers, resonators, articulators, physiology and neurology)
  • Know how to warm up each chamber of the voice (short and long form)
  • Send tonation, breath, and sound to the areas of the body calling for attention
  • Discover where YOU naturally and authentically resonate when speaking
  • Vocalize with ease in both your speaking and singing voice


Together we go on a journey of discovery to set your voice free allowing you to live a heart centered life of full expression.  Each session you will leave with "homework" and exercises to continue the work on your own.  And in this way...the journey continues.

So now that you know what a session entails...let's start our journey and discover what is possible!

Book a discovery call today!  You can ask questions and find out more. 

We will work together to customize your journey.

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